
How to keep Growing in Life

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How to keep growing in life

How to keep growing and to have life among the growing.

Life Among the Growing…. What does that actually mean to me?

This phrase really speaks to me deeply in several ways.

First, I think about how I want to be continually growing into a better person with each day and opportunity I get. If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backwards. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. 

This is in my personal life as a wife and mom. In my spiritual life, I want to continually study and grow in God’s words.

Secondly, I think about my little girls. I love life with them as I get to watch them grow. Time flies by so quickly and I’m blessed that I am able to stay home with them in this fleeting stage.

Thirdly, I like to think about life. What is happening in my life and around me. What am I learning these days?

What are some ways that we can continue to grow and not become stagnant? 

1) Try something new.

Visit a new town, a new restaurant, a new museum.

2) Read a book.

How many books have you read recently? I prefer nonfiction for sure, but last summer I got into some mystery novels that were fun to read as well.

3) Learn a new skill.

Always wanted to know how to fix something by yourself or understand how something works? Find out!

4) Be around others who are growing.

Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

How do you guard yourself from falling backwards? How do you stay motivated to keep growing?


This post is linked up to Motivational Mondays and Monday’s Musings and Welcome Home Wednesdays 

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Angela Parker
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  1. Beautiful thoughts Angela! Thanks for sharing them with us at Sunday Social! We love to travel – especially to places where they don’t speak English – that is one way we try to keep growing and learning!

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