
How I Blog

Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links. If you click them, I earn a small commission. It does not cost you anything extra, but this commission helps support the work of running this site. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.

I get lots of questions about blogging from readers and friends. So I thought I would highlight some of the services I’m using to blog and help me make Grassfed Mama happen.

1) WordPress

I love using WordPress. I find it pretty easy to use with plug ins. I needed a little help initially figuring out how to write and publish posts. Adam, my husband, got me started with using WordPress. I was using the WordPress free site initially. Adam was able to transfer everything over to this self hosted version.

2) Dreamhost

Dreamhost is a great hosting company. I haven’t had any issues with service with them.

3) Affiliates

Amazon – I use Amazon for most of my personal online shopping, so it made perfect sense to use them as an affiliate for my blog.

Earthley – I love their herbal tinctures and have used many of their products for years!

See all my Affiliate links here

4) Your PC Magician

Your PC Magician‘s Web Team did the webdesign for Grassfed Mama and really helped me out (because I have no idea about code). Tell Josh I sent you his way! : )

5) Photography

I use a Canon EOS 60D with a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Camera Lens to take my pictures. Plus I use this Close-Up Macro Filter Set  Also you’d be surprised how good of a photo you can get with an iPhone photo nowadays with the right settings!

Jamie Fleeman Photography also did a lot of our family pictures in Virginia, she’s awesome!

6) Pinterest

As far as blogging, you need to be on Pinterest, probably above almost all other social media sites. It is one of the best ways to get my posts out there and helpful information into the hands of readers.

Follow me at Grassfed Mama on Pinterest 

7) Other Social Media Sites

I found that when I was building my readership and learning about my audience, social media was CRITICAL! You will need to decide where your target audience is spending their time and focus there!

Here are my Social Media Channels if they can help you!

8) Youtube

Even though I don’t consider myself a “Vlogger”, Youtube is still an amazing and FREE resource for hosting and embedding video. It’s easy to learn and very flexible (as well as helping with your SEO). If you plan to do any sort of Video content, I’d start with Youtube!

Here’s my Channel if you are curious how I have set it up!

9) Gumroad

I’ve written several digital e-books covering Gestational Diabetes and Gender Swaying that I have hosted through Gumroad. You can head here to check out what they can offer you if you are wanting to sell digital content!


Do you Blog? What are your tips for blogging?

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Angela Parker
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  1. I really like your site! He is filled with kind, positive energy! With pleasure I read every your article! Continue in the same spirit, and share your advice! Thank you for your work!

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