
10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy


10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a wonderful time, but it can also bring a lot of unpleasant side effects and symptoms along with it. Here are 10 Tips for a great pregnancy using natural ingredients. It is important to use natural ingredients when you are pregnancy so you won’t expose your developing baby to toxins and anything that could harm them.

10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy


Magnesium is a vital mineral for your body (pregnant or not). It is important for blood sugar metabolism, handling stress, helping you sleep, preventing morning sickness, and controlling blood pressure. read more

4 Stretches for Back and Hip Pain During Pregnancy

4 Stretches for Hip and Back Pain During Pregnancy
4 Stretches for Hip and Back Pain During Pregnancy

Pros and Cons to Carrying Low in Pregnancy 

Pro: No kicks in my ribs (ouch) 
Con: More aches in my hips 

Pro: I can breathe! 
Con: I have to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes 

Con: Pants don’t fit right. 
Pro: Who needs pants anyways 

Did you carry your babies low or high?

Aidy was always high. 
I just thought Annaleigh was low. 
Anderson was ALWAYYYYS a low rider 

This picture was taken when I was in labor with Anderson.

Excuse the messy bathroom, haha

Nearing my third trimester last year, my hips started to give me grief as my belly was growing and putting more pressure down below. read more

10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

I’m sharing this guest post at Day 2 Day Joys all about my 10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy. Follow the link below to visit Rachel’s blog and learn how to have the most amazing healthy pregnancy – naturally!

How to have a healthy pregnancy, tips for easy pregnancy

10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Are you pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant soon? Today I’m writing at Day 2 Day Joys about 10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy.

I have been blessed to have 2 relatively easy pregnancies. I did deal with gestational diabetes, but I was able to manage my blood sugar naturally. Check out my book about How to Control Gestational Diabetes Naturally.  read more

Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes

pregnancy, gestational diabetes, low carb

Pregnancy is wonderful… Gestational Diabetes is not.

I’m 29 weeks pregnant now. Usually around this time, it is typical to test how your body is responding to glucose. In your pregnancy, there are certain hormones that can interfere with your body’s ability to bring glucose into the cells leaving a higher blood glucose. If you think about it, it makes sense because you want some glucose to go to the baby. However, if too much glucose goes to the baby, you could end up with an unhealthy, “fat” baby with sugar issues at birth.

Last pregnancy, I did the typical one hour 50 grams of glucose test. I think my result was 140 (which is the upper limits of normal). From that point on, I was put on a very restrictive, low carb diet. This was before I had ever heard of being grain free or paleo. It was a major shock for me when I had no recipes that I liked that were basically no carbs (no sweet potatoes : ( , brown rice, beans).


Gestational diabetes is somewhat controversial in some groups as in “does it really exsist” or is it a normal thing in pregnancy to have higher blood glucose to give energy to the baby. Most studies show that there is no better outcome from being diagnosed with gestational diabetes – if anything there are few positive outcomes when doctors insist on inducing early or just scheduling c-sections due to risk of larger babies.

One article I read, said that possibly babies that are going to be larger and need more energy release a signal to the placenta to secrete more hormones that block glucose absorption into the mom’s cells leaving more for the growing baby. I’m not sure, but it makes sense given my 9 pound baby – is now a toddler who is over the 95th percentile for weight and height. I don’t think there was anything I could have done differently to have “grown” a smaller baby given her personal genetics.

Luckily, going through that process last time has helped me so much this pregnancy. I decided to decline the one hour glucose tolerance test, and just test at home one hour after meals to see what foods caused any spikes. I wouldn’t say that I have gestational diabetes, but I do tend to have glucose intolerance – which would be the precursor. I have very few high numbers 2 hours after meals (over 120)

November 14 2007 day 34 - Meters

The past week I have been testing and showing that I do great for my typical breakfast and lunch. I start my day with eggs and yogurt and usually have a huge salad for lunch. Dinner is usually when I vary my meals. I’ve learned that I can have some carbs this pregnancy (I don’t think I could handle any carbs at first last pregnancy).

I cooked homemade chicken alfredo with tons of vegetables and tossed with pasta – it was SOOOOOO good!! and it didn’t spike my blood sugar! But If I eat over 50 grams of carbs (or so) even with lots of protein, I will see a rise in my blood sugar. Last night we had CORN (clean our refrigerator night) and I had taco meat and black beans, with roasted sweet potatoes, carrot souffle (recipe here) and green beans. At one hour, my glucose level was 106 – which is great!

Again, the change isn’t as bad as last pregnancy when I was eating a lot more carbs (whole grain what-nots). When I don’t eat any carbs (fruit, starchy vegetables, etc) I don’t feel like I have any energy – like can’t get out of the chair. So I am very thankful I can tolerate some healthy forms of carbs for energy.

Exercise wise: I am either doing about 35 minutes on my elliptical machine (last week I got in 55 minutes one day!) or going on about a 50 minute walk in my hilly neighborhood daily. I would exercise normally, so that isn’t a change at all.

I just have to be a little more proactive in what I’m going to cook or eat – and no cheats – which I would have had a treat at small group that I will have to pass on now : ( Only 10 weeks or so left! Of course I want to do anything to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, this will be worth it in the end.

I’m taking the Perfect Prenatal whole food vitamins throughout my pregnancy. They were recommended to me when I was pregnant with Aidalyn and I loved them so much I’m taking them again. You can buy some through HerbsPro (affiliate) with this discount code:

We are getting so excited about welcoming Annaleigh into our family!

Read my Tips for Controlling Gestational Diabetes Naturally! 

How to Control Gestational Diabetes Naturally

Read Annaleigh’s Birth Story Here 

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Benefits of Baking Soda and Epsom Salt Baths

We know how hard you work, juggling countless responsibilities and often putting everyone else’s needs before your own. But remember, taking care of your health is essential, not just for you, but for your whole family. That’s why today, we’re diving into a simple, affordable, and incredibly beneficial self-care practice – Baking Soda and Epsom Salt Baths. This isn’t just about carving out a little ‘me time’ (though that’s important too!). It’s about the numerous health benefits these two humble ingredients can offer. So, let’s explore how a warm bath with baking soda and Epsom salt can become your secret weapon for better health and well-being for you and your whole family. Ready to soak up some goodness, moms? Let’s dive in! read more

The Best Low Carb Casserole Recipes

We all know the struggle of finding meals that are not only delicious and satisfying but also align with our health goals. That’s why I’m thrilled to share some of my family’s favorite low carb casseroles with you. These recipes are the perfect solution for those of us wanting to indulge in hearty, comforting dishes without loading up on carbs. They’re packed with flavor, easy to prepare, and sure to be a hit with everyone at your dinner table. So, let’s dive into these tasty, low-carb delights that have won over my family’s hearts (and stomachs)! Here are the Best Low Carb Casserole Recipes from Grassfed Mama to help you have delicious and family friendly recipes that are also low carb: read more

What Do You Eat on Keto? Part 1: Healthy Fats

What do you eat on keto??? Today I’m sharing some basics about the keto diet and what a typical day may look like as you try to add in healthy fats all day long to keep you full. 

After pregnancy, nursing, and now weaning… I’m ready to feel like “myself” again! So I’m starting my own weight loss challenge to help me drop the last few pounds of “baby weight” and also just feel my best again! And I’m bringing you along for the ride if you want to join the fun : ) read more

6 Benefits of Rebounding & Why It May Be Your New Favorite Workout

Today we’re going to be talking about the exercise of rebounding some of the benefits of rebounding and how you can have a little fun, maybe while it is too cold to be outside this wintertime. Because while I want to feel good and look my best, I am NOT down with running outdoors when it’s below freezing!

ditch your sugar cravings
ditch your sugar cravings

6 Benefits of Rebounding & Why It May Be Your New Favorite Workout


Have you tried rebounding before? ??? It makes me feel like a kid again ? ##ketomama ##healthymama ##fitathome ##healthymomhappyfamily ##hellofall

♬ Whole Lotta Choppas – Sada Baby

So if you’ve been listening to my previous podcast on this show you have heard that I am getting back in shape after having a baby. read more

What is the Diet to Conceive a Girl?

If you are searching how to sway for a girl, you are in the right place! You may be asking… What is the Diet to Conceive a Girl? After much research and planning, I was able to have two successful girl sways and I’m sharing what I learned today to help other moms like me.

How to Sway For A Girl
How to Sway For A Girl

Is it possible to sway for a girl?

For whatever reason that brought you to this post… first off I want to say that there are many reasons why people search “how to have a girl” or want to learn about gender swaying methods.

For my family, I’m a carrier of a genetic disease that only affects boys, so I was very interested in learning how to naturally boost my odds at conceiving girls without too much medical interventions. read more