
Why You Need More Salt!

New You New Years: Changing Your Salt

Why You Need More Salt

Salt is often touted at something we all need to reduce in our diets. High salt consumption is blamed for a whole host of diseases like hypertension and heart disease. But new research shows that this isn’t the case! Salt is really a healthy food for our diets and is essential for our bodies! Along with other trace minerals like magnesium, salt contains sodium and chloride which are necessary for our body.

Natural salt is not something new to our dietsSalt is mentioned in the bible nearly 50 times!  In traditional cultures salt was used to preserve food and could even be used as currency.  Salt is still as important now as it was then.   read more

Why You Should Eat Butter

For many years, I thought that eating butter and extra fat was “bad” or at least unhealthy. Thankfully, I understand more about eating healthy and making better food choices. Today we are going to talk more about why you should eat butter and how it is actually good for you!

Steps to a Healthier You

I have shared easy steps you can start today towards a happier and healthier body. We have already covered drinking more water each day and cutting out the sugar. Now we are going to focus on adding something back in – healthy fats! read more

4 Reasons we are Cutting out the Sugar

4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar
4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar

We are going to focus on Cutting out the Sugar! 

This is not a new idea. Lots of popular diets have come to the conclusion that our sugar is out of balance in our Modern diet and this is the cause of our expanding waistbands.

Management of your Sugar and Carbohydrates is crucial for weight loss and your general health.

We know sugar is so important to get under control.

A low glycemic diet in general is healthier than a diet focused on lots of carbs. When our system gets overloaded with too many sugar and carbs, our cells start storing extra carbs as fat in our cells.

Our cells love to store carbs, so they are very eager and ready when we over eat our carbs. If we eat a moderate or low carb diet, then we can burn those carbs before they get the chance to be stored as extra fat. read more

How to Heal Diastasis Recti

How to Heal Your Abs After Pregnancy
How to Heal Your Abs After Pregnancy

After I had my baby, I started searching for exercises to heal your abs and how to heal Diastasis Recti. These tips will show how to bring abs back together after pregnancy.

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles. Most commonly occurs as a result of pregnancy.

Before I was pregnant, I had no idea how my body was going to change to bring in this little person into the world. Once she was here, I felt like I had to learn how to be me again. I found out that during pregnancy my body had developed Diastasis Recti.

Some women are just prone to this abdominal separation, but there are some factors that increase the likelihood of it occurring: read more

How to Control Gestational Diabetes Naturally

Hey there, incredible moms-to-be! Are you navigating the journey of gestational diabetes and searching for ways to manage it naturally, all while ensuring the health and well-being of you and your baby? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Gestational diabetes may seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can take control of your health and enjoy a smooth pregnancy journey. In this blog post, we’ll dive into some practical tips on how to manage gestational diabetes naturally through diet and exercise. From making mindful food choices to staying active and finding balance in your daily routine, we’re here to support you every step of the way. So, grab a cozy seat, mama-to-be, and let’s embark on this empowering journey together! read more

The Grassfed Mama is Gender Swaying – What did I get into!?!

Gender Swaying is the process of doing certain things like diet and supplements before conception to sway your odds in favor of conceiving one gender or another. Before I had my first baby, I did a little research into gender swaying and it was a successful girl sway!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Gender Swaying

Gender swaying may be a new concept some some people. I mentioned previously about the idea of gender swaying in another post, so it isn’t a new idea to this blog. We actually did sway with our first daughter and it worked I guess because we had a successful girl sway. read more

Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

dangers artificial sweetener

Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

Sugar is everywhere. We know we get too much of it. Can we break the sugar habit?

We as Americans have a sugar tooth. It seems like we can’t enjoy anything unless it is covered in sugar or artificially sweetened. It would probably the best for us if we can completely eliminate the desire for something sweet except from fruit sources. However, all of us enjoy a sweet treat every now and then.

We were told to kick the sugar habit by switching to artificial sugars. No calories = no weight gain…. It seemed like the perfect solution to us since processed white sugar was so terrible. We all switched, but we were still gaining weight. What in the world?

Aspartame only makes sugar craving worse and causes you to overeat… causing even more weight gain.

Here is a little about artificial sweeteners and how they can be much worse than sugar itself:

Aspartame is very unhealthy for us. It is documented that it can cause memory loss as well as brain damage: here here and here.

When you eat aspartame, it causes a rapid fire of neurons, naming it an excitotoxin. This over time causes brain cells to be damaged and die off.

From Mercola.com

The excess glutamate and aspartame slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed. A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure to excitatory amino acid damage include:

Multiple sclerosis (MS), ALS, Memory loss, Hormonal problems, Hearing loss, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s diseas Parkinson’s disease, Hypoglycemia, AIDS, Dementia, Brain lesions, Neuroendocrine disorders

Also from Mercola.com, Aspartame has been linked to:

Abdominal pains
Fatigue (blocks sufficient glucose entry into brain)
Sleep problems
Vision problems
Anxiety attacks
Asthma/chest tightness.

What about Splenda?

From Mercola.com:


  • reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent
  • increases the pH level in your intestines, and
  • affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you’re on certain medications”

More about splenda here and here.

Artificial sweeteners have even been linked to weight gain.

This is from thetruthaboutsplenda.com and Dr.Mercola:

Splenda causes gastro-intestinal problems, migraines, seizures, dizziness, blurred vision, allergic reactions, blood sugar increases, and weight gain.

So, no splenda, no aspartame? What can I eat?

If we are supposed to be eating all natural, what are our best choices for sweetener?

Jordan Rubin, author of the Maker’s diet, recommends unheated raw honey (no more than a tablespoon per day), Stevia, and maple syrup in the last phase (phase 3). Ideally, you could satisfy a sweet craving with some fruit – like a smoothie maybe.

We primarily use Stevia. If I’m baking, I have a few recipes that use honey or maple syrup. I normally sweeten naturally with fruit sources like applesauce when making thing for Aidalyn. We find Stevia at our local grocery store and buy it on Amazon. It is much sweeter than sugar in the packet form, so you would only add a little bit for sweetness. Here are some cookies that are low in sugar: Apple Oatmeal Cookies. 

stevia, natural sweetener


Stevia is a naturally sweet plant, but is concentrated in a powdered form. I do have some raw stevia that I bought online, but I don’t use it too often.

Here’s the Stevia I primarily use for the familythis liquid form is really convenient for coffee or tea especially.

Trim Healthy Mama (a great book I’ve previously reviewed) recommends using stevia for a sugar substitute. They also recommend using xylitol and erythritol (non-GMO sources) for natural sugar substitute options.

You can buy the book here:

 More Tips for Cutting out the Sugar in Your Diet here. 

What are your tips of weaning yourself off of sugar and diet cokes? read more

Vitamins For Kids

Aidalyn's Vitamins

Vitamins I added in the smoothie

Why Grain Free? Part 1

Today I’m sharing reasons why we decided to eat grain free and why it may be helpful for your health. Plus easy grain free recipes!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Why You Should Go Grain Free

Grain Free? Wait – haven’t you looked at the food pyramid??? Aren’t we supposed to get 9-11 servings of breads, cereals, grains each day? No bread, no pasta? Are you crazy?!?

This was my exact internal conversation when I started reading about giving up grains.

I am by no means an expert on this – I do have personal experience and I think that matters. I know most of what I know about grains and what they do to us from reading Mark’s blog at Mark’s Daily Apple and Kate at Modern Alternative Mama. read more