
4 Reasons we are Cutting out the Sugar

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4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar
4 Reasons to Cut the Sugar

We are going to focus on Cutting out the Sugar! 

This is not a new idea. Lots of popular diets have come to the conclusion that our sugar is out of balance in our Modern diet and this is the cause of our expanding waistbands.

Management of your Sugar and Carbohydrates is crucial for weight loss and your general health.

We know sugar is so important to get under control.

A low glycemic diet in general is healthier than a diet focused on lots of carbs. When our system gets overloaded with too many sugar and carbs, our cells start storing extra carbs as fat in our cells.

Our cells love to store carbs, so they are very eager and ready when we over eat our carbs. If we eat a moderate or low carb diet, then we can burn those carbs before they get the chance to be stored as extra fat.

Our body uses carbs and fat for primary energy sources.

So you can either burn carbs or fats at one time (not at the same time). Since carbs are quick energy, those always get burned first.

If there is more carbs than can be burned at one time or more fat that is waiting in line to get burned… then we have weight gain. 

How do we cut out the sugar?

Focus on eating protein and low carb foods first.

These are non starchy vegetables, low carb fruits like berries, milk products like unsweetened yogurt and cheese. Good protein sources like fish, eggs, turkey, chicken and beef. Nuts and seeds are also good for getting in your nutrients.

Quinoa is a lower carb “grain like” source and Chana Dal beans are low glycemic beans. Isolated Whey protein is great in a smoothie when you are on the go or need a snack in the afternoon.

Read nutrition labels and see how much sugar is in the food you are currently eating. Try to eat whole foods to limit added sugar and sweeten yogurt and smoothies yourself.

Grab My Free recipes to find recipes low in sugar and carbs!

Let’s talk about carbs

So you may not be adding a lot of sugar to your diet…

But you eat a bowl of cereal every morning and two pieces of bread at lunch with a banana and have mashed potatoes and rolls with dinner.

This diet is over-loaded with carbs… When carbs are out of balance we have weight gain.

Eating some carbs can be good and helpful for us… it is only when we get out of balance that we start having blood sugar issues and weight gain.

I typically do carb cycling but try to eat low carb most days. 

Why is controlling blood sugar so important?

High blood sugar shortens your life. The Mayo clinic tell us that uncontrolled blood sugar can also damage the vessels that supply blood to important organs, like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.

Also eating too much sugar also feeds the bad bacteria in your system which could cause to more sickness and yeast infections.

But I have a sweet tooth!

Changing the way you eat will change your taste buds the longer you eat differently.

When you are cutting out the sugar, you will start realizing how sweet some foods really are naturally (like strawberries and other fruit).

Also your cravings will reduce as you start eating more protein and less carbs. But there are sugar substitutes that are natural and won’t cause any health issues like stevia, xylitol, and  erythritol.

Grab My Free Healthy Cravings Swap Guide! 

A natural detox should help with your sugar cravings as well – usually your body will have reduced cravings when it is getting the nutrition it needs. 


Have you tried to cutting out the sugar? What are your tips?


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Angela Parker
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