You hear it all the time when you are pregnant “the weight will just melt off when your breastfeed.” However, for some of us, this is just not the case. We are the ones who are not losing weight while breastfeeding.
You may think that you are doing something wrong since your doctor, your friends, magazines, books all tell you that the weight should be going away if you are breastfeeding. There are some real reasons why some of us just don’t “melt” away.
FREE: How To Lose Weight While Nursing Guide.

Here are some reasons why you are NOT losing weight while breastfeeding:
It is no secret that while you are pregnant and breastfeeding your hormones are very active. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, also increases your appetite. Prolactin remains extremely high during the first 6 months. This hormone can prevent weight loss and even cause weight gain according to this study. This article explains that prolactin reduces the bodies metabolism of fat… so your body really is holding on to that weight.