
Why Grain Free? Part 2

There are many reasons people choose to go grain free. In this post, we answer some top questions about making the change to grain free diet.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Why Grain Free? Part 2: Harmful Effect of Grains

Earlier I shared why we went grain free for a while. You can read that post here

It took a lot of research for me to even consider this… I loved my carbs and bread and pasta… so why did we choose to go grain free?

Is there research about going grain free?

First, I learned about phytates that are part of the grain. This is mother natures way of “protecting” the grain so it would pass through the stool and then germinate once “deposited.” These phytates bind to other nutrients (like magnesium) in your foods and aren’t digested or absorbed.  read more