
Crockpot Bone Broth Recipe – How to Heal Yourself with Soup

Making your own bone broths is not only great for your health, but can also save you tons of money in the grocery store. With this crockpot bone broth recipe, you will see it is not only easy (but can be fun too!) to make your own bone broth for soups and any recipe that calls for broth.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Are crockpot bone broths healthy? 

Your grandmother was on to something when she cooked up a pot of chicken soup when you were sick. There are a ton of healing properties to broths made from bones.

The Jade Institute writes that bone broths are good for both your kidneys and your liver. Broth can even be beneficial in a detox or a cleanse. read more

The Grassfed Mama is Gender Swaying – What did I get into!?!

Gender Swaying is the process of doing certain things like diet and supplements before conception to sway your odds in favor of conceiving one gender or another. Before I had my first baby, I did a little research into gender swaying and it was a successful girl sway!

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Gender Swaying

Gender swaying may be a new concept some some people. I mentioned previously about the idea of gender swaying in another post, so it isn’t a new idea to this blog. We actually did sway with our first daughter and it worked I guess because we had a successful girl sway. read more

Do We need Milk?

Adapted from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/calliope/118970265/

Adapted from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/calliope/118970265/

Do We need Milk? 

I have an issue with Cow’s milk…. an intolerance that is.

Deutsch: Ein Glas Milch English: A glass of mi...

Deutsch: Ein Glas Milch English: A glass of milk Français : Un verre de lait (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did you know that it is estimated that up to 75% of the world’s population shows an intolerance to lactose.

I honestly didn’t know that I was lactose intolerance until I started getting treatment from a naturopath. 

We are born with the right digestive enzymes (lactase) to breakdown lactose from breastmilk. As we grow older, our body knows that we shouldn’t be drinking breastmilk anymore and stops making the enzymes to break down lactose.

We are the only mammal who continues to drink milk beyond infancy… and who drinks pasteurized milk. I think that if you actually saw where conventional milk came from, you would gag at the thought of drinking it –

Dr. Mercola of mercola.com states, “Pasteurization is a destructive process that changes the physical structure of the fragile proteins in milk (especially casein) and converts them into proteins your body was never designed to handle – and that can actually harm you. Additionally, the pasteurization process virtually eliminates the good bacteria normally present in the milk and radically reduces the micronutrient and vitamin content of this healthy food.

So why are we told to drink so much milk? read more

Vitamins For Kids

Aidalyn's Vitamins

Vitamins I added in the smoothie