
Baked Avocado Breakfast Recipe

Good morning, breakfast enthusiasts! Today, we’re about to turn the most versatile fruit (yes, you read that right) into the star of your morning routine – avocados! Buckle up because we’re diving into the delightful realm of a baked avocado breakfast recipe. Forget what you thought you knew about this green powerhouse; we’re about to show you a whole new way to kickstart your day with creamy, baked perfection. Whether you’re a seasoned avocado lover or someone just stepping into the world of breakfast innovation, get ready for a delicious treat that will redefine your morning routine. So, grab your avocados and let’s bake up a breakfast that’s not just tasty but also packed with all the goodness avocados have to offer. Rise and shine with the joy of a baked avocado breakfast that’s as easy as it is scrumptious! read more

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

DIY Detoxing Facial Mask

This detoxing facial mask uses natural ingredients to pull out the impurities from your skin leaving you clean.

Why make your own facial mask?

Going to the spa is expensive. You don’t have to waste your time and money when you can make a simple mixture at home.

You can even throw a Spa Party with your friends and make your own at home spa treatments. It would be a fun way to visit with each other and save money.

This facial mask would be a deep cleaning detox. You probably would want to test it on a small spot before applying to your entire face just in case you may have a reaction. Also this is a pretty deep cleaning detox, I would only do it once a week or every other week. read more

Why I love Mountain Meadow Herbs and Gentle Birth Formula Review

Mountain meadow herbs are a testament to nature’s wisdom, offering many benefits from boosting our immunity to soothing our senses. Whether you’re a seasoned herbalist or a curious beginner, the world of mountain meadow herbs holds something for everyone. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of these herbs, their unique properties, and how they can help ease labor with their Gentle Birth Formula. So, sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this herbal journey together! read more

New You New Years! Increasing Water


New You New Years Week One: Increasing Your Water

You made it to the first week of New You New Years!  This week we are going to focus on increasing your water intake. 

Last week we focused on awareness: Being mindful in what you are eating. Thinking about what you are feeding your body is the first step to changing your habits. Did you pick up on anything you need to change already???

During New You New Years, we are going to take baby steps each week so you can be a Trim Healthy Mama!

To increase our water intake, this could include drinking more water, tea, or fruit infused waters. My favorite way to drink tea is in Trim Healthy Mama apple pie sips. These are amazing!! I love them so much during these cold winter months when drinking a cold glass of water isn’t as appealing.

My sister and her husband really like to drink sparkling water.

Another tip is adding a little lemon to water with some stevia – a very simple lemonade! Adding lemon to your water also increases your vitamin C intake, which is great in these winter months for keeping you well and helps detox your liver!  I made some really good pomegranate tea over Thanksgiving and sweetened it with some stevia for a real treat. Fruit infused water is easy to make too!

I really love drinking Greens in my water. It is an easy was to get in 38 superfoods and PLUS increase the water that I need too! I have a Probiotic that have helped a lot as well 🙂

Something I’ve been trying more recently is doing fruit infusions in my water, it adds great taste and is really simple if you use an Infusion Pitcher, here’s the one I prefer!

By drinking more water, you will help your body stay full. Sometimes when we feel the urge to eat, we really are just thirsty. Drinking Water is also good for constipation. Did you know that if you aren’t having a bowel movement at least ONCE a day (and 3x a day is the recommended amount)  then you are constipated??? (cue music: The More you Knooooooooow!)

Summary: New You New Years Week 1: Increase your water!

What are you favorite ways to increase your water? read more

Crockpot Bone Broth Recipe – How to Heal Yourself with Soup

Making your own bone broths is not only great for your health, but can also save you tons of money in the grocery store. With this crockpot bone broth recipe, you will see it is not only easy (but can be fun too!) to make your own bone broth for soups and any recipe that calls for broth.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Are crockpot bone broths healthy? 

Your grandmother was on to something when she cooked up a pot of chicken soup when you were sick. There are a ton of healing properties to broths made from bones.

The Jade Institute writes that bone broths are good for both your kidneys and your liver. Broth can even be beneficial in a detox or a cleanse. read more