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When I first found out I was expecting a baby, I wondered How I was going to Prepare for Natural Labor. Read more about if a natural labor is right for you.
Is natural labor right for you??
When I got pregnant with my first baby girl… I already knew I wanted to try to have a natural labor.
I honestly didn’t know anyone who had… so it was ALL new territory for me.
With my journey into natural health and eating wholefoods… I had discovered this whole new concept of natural labor (this was WELL before I was even pregnant)
and what I found about the labor and birth industry was honestly shocking.
I knew deep down that I wanted something different… but I didn’t even know where to start or how to increase my odds of having a natural birth.
It took months and month of research and just gathering all the information I could…
Here I am…
Now, a mom of three sweet (usually sweet) babies who were all born at home… and I just want to share the beauty… the empowerment… the choice that you have to have the birth of your dreams.
I put together this book with all the research… all the hours of reading and discovery… to save you time and help you make the educated decision of what type of birth you want and what is right for you.
and how you can prepare and get your perfect birth plan together!
For a Limited Time
I’m offering my NEW Natural Labor E-Book at a HUGE discount!
Is Home Birthing right for me?
This Premium E-book focusing on answering common questions on natural birth practices as well as home birthing as an alternative.
– Prepare your body and mind for natural childbirth
– Find the best support team
– Understand benefits and misconceptions of natural childbirth
– Discover if a Home Birth is right for you
Plus: Checklists, Exercises, & Best Practices!