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I am very new to this idea. I myself have been going to a chiropractor since I was in the 7th grade off and on.
After I had such a great experience with my end of pregnancy adjustment that ended in me going into labor 12 hours later (check out my birth story)…. it got me wondering about how important it is to be aligned properly.
I had read about chiropractors adjusting babies for reflux and gas from other moms and it working. I had heard it was great for constipation and that most kids would go to the bathroom soon after an adjustment. After a weekend full of fussiness from Annaleigh, I was ready to go get my complimentary first new born adjustment from my new chiropractor.
I also thought, why not get Aidalyn adjusted too – so we did.
An infant adjustment doesn’t look like much. He just manipulated her pelvis a little and her neck just slightly while I was holding her…
It didn’t look like much at all to the eye, but today she is a completely different baby! She is back to taking naps and being content to play in a bouncy seat or on the floor.
So you may want to think about taking your kids to get adjusted if you are dealing with constipation or gas… something to try!