When I started learning more about natural ways to boost my metabolism, I learned there are actually signs of a slow metabolism! It is good to know if you have a healthy metabolism or not by knowing these signs:

Are you always Freezing? What’s Your Metabolism Telling You?
I used to be cold All.The.Time. My hands and feet would be freezing and ice to the touch. I would have to carry a sweater around with me even in the summer because I couldn’t tolerate the cold in restaurants. This is not a healthy sign. What’s your metabolism telling you?
What is your metabolism?
Your metabolism is your inner fuel burner. It is a pretty smart mechanism that will adjust based on how much it needs to burn or if it needs to reserve energy. When you are eating the right about of calories and nutrients, your metabolism will be a fire house. However, if you start to reduce your calories or eat low nutrient foods, your metabolism will dial back and slow down. Think about a bear going into hibernation. The bear’s metabolism slows way down to conserve all the energy to make it through the winter. We don’t want to be a bear in hibernation.