
When Being Healthy Becomes Your Idol

When Being Healthy Becomes Your Idol

Striving for health is not a bad thing. Putting health before God is.

When you make health your idol, you are turning it into something your heart desires before God. An idol is anything you put before God.

There are plenty of amoral things that become idols in our lives. Amoral = neutral (Not Bad or Good). Amoral things that can turn into idols could be your kids, your hobbies, your spouse, your status, your job, or even how you use your spare time and money.

How to Identify Your Idols 

Mark Driscoll states that “Idolatry is often a good thing that becomes a god thing and one of the surest ways to find your idol is to follow your money. Jesus, a master of word play, irony, and satire, uses humor to speak truth to the rich ruler by showing him two ways to find idols: follow the money and figure out what’s not funny to you.” read more