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In our world these days, parents have different concerns than parents of the past. It is more important than ever to keep your child safe online. Today I’m sharing 6 steps you can start:

Here are six steps to keep your child safe online:
Talk to your child.
It’s important for your child to know the benefits and risk of the world wide web. They should know that they should never talk to strangers online, add people who they don’t know on their social media accounts, and that they should never meet someone from the Internet without discussing it with you beforehand.
Keep the computer in a family room.
It’s important for your child to access the computer in an area where you can monitor what they are doing. This way, you can check in to see what they’re doing.
Know your child’s passwords.
The best way to be sure of what your child is doing is to check their accounts. Make sure that you know your child’s passwords so that you can check their accounts and monitor their messages if you grow concerned.
Make sure your child’s profile is private or set to a setting you’re comfortable with.
It’s also a good idea not to post their location on social media. Additionally, have them use a nickname or middle name rather than their full name.
Search your child’s browsing history.
It’s important to regularly check your child’s online browsing history. Be sure to look out for any unusual searches, such as places your child doesn’t normally frequent.
Watch for any unusual behavior.
Watch out for clues that something isn’t on the up and up. If your child closes their laptop or powers off their screen when you’re around, they may be hiding something. If your child begins to use their phone to talk in private, if they insist on taking their computer in their bedroom, or if they begin to grow withdrawn from their friends or usual activities, they might be talking to an online predator.
Internet safety is an important life skill, and these are just six steps to keep your child safe online. Don’t stop here. Doing some research will help you find other ways to help ensure your child is safe when using the internet. As parents, we want to keep your kids safe at all times. Following these tips can help prevent your child from dealing with an online predator