
A Year Later – Happy Birthday Annaleigh: Your Home Birth Story

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I honestly can’t believe it was a year ago that I met this sweet little girl. The events leading up to her arrival had me in a pretty dark place emotionally and spiritually. I’m thankful to share this update after a stressful home birth story.

Praying for a Healthy Baby and Pregnancy

From the very beginning of her pregnancy, I was very concerned that she may have a genetic disease that I passed on called Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease. We didn’t know if she was a boy or girl – and we prayed and prayed that she would be a healthy baby.

We celebrated that she was a healthy baby girl when we found out the news when I was 15.5 weeks along.  We knew that God had directed our hearts toward having another baby and that he was taking care of her.

Then I was just not feeling good. I had pretty horrible morning sickness that lasted past 20 weeks along, Gestational Diabetes, and all the other joyous pregnancy ailments like insomnia.

As much as I tried to treat everything naturally, some days were very, very hard.

Planning a Home Birth Story

Then I was planning a home-birth… and at 33 weeks along, our upstairs toilet over flowed and flooded our house… Yeah I know – what are the odds?

So I’m huge – already having false labor and living in a Residence Inn, planning a home birth (without a home)…

We stayed in the Residence in for 4 weeks. Then we were moved to a rental house. We stayed there one week before my water broke and I was officially in labor.

Annaleigh was born in a rental house! Haha. 

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As soon as she was born, all the bad – all the tears… they were all worth it. She is such a delight and joy. I can’t imagine our home without her contagious smile and little monkey toes.

Her Home Birth Story didn’t really unfold like I had planned. There were lots of changes almost week to week in the end, and it was so stressful when we were living it. I wished that I could go back and tell myself that everything was going to work out and to find joy in the chaos.

If you are reading this home birth story and maybe planning your own, just remember that things don’t always to according to our plans… but that doesn’t make it a bad thing. It could end up better than you ever imagined.

Plan Your Home Birth Story

Grab my E-Book: How to Plan and Prepare for the Natural Labor you have been dreaming about.



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Angela Parker
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