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The longer I have been a business owner the more I have realized that there are many reasons why you shouldn’t have a social media business. Today, I’m sharing 4 reasons and how you can start growing beyond social media.

4 Reasons Why you Shouldn’t Have a Social Media Business
Have you heard someone say that they have a “Social Media Business” and you wondered what that meant or maybe you have even said it yourself!
Today I’m sharing my opinion about why I believe having a “Social Media Business” is not a smart idea, and how you can make easy transitions to your own business to make it grow beyond social media.
Watch the video on YouTube:
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Whole Business on Social Media
You can’t control the algorithm
If you are an OG of Facebook and Instagram, You remember a time when we didn’t have to fight the algorithm. Everything we posted was shown in real time… then everyone posted and there had to be a algorithm to manage what people see.
You don’t own Your Social Media Accounts
Most people don’t really think about it that way… but all your posts, pictures, friends’ lists they aren’t really yours. You could lose it all in one swift delete action or just get banned.
If you are building your entire business on a social media account… that is a lot of risk.
Most Social Media Posts Aren’t Seen After 24 Hours
When you spend hours writing the perfect post and then it only is seen for 24 hours at most… it just creates this endless need to create more and more and more posts – which doesn’t sound like freedom to me!
Most Social Media Platforms Are Not Searchable.
If you are thinking about attraction marketing… you really want to act like a magnet to your ideal customer… but where are they actually searching? It isn’t on Facebook… so why are you wasting so much time trying to find them there?
If you are ready to take the next steps:
Free Authentic Branding Challenge:…hentic-brand/
Grab The Mom’s Online Business Growth Bundle:…growth-bundle/
Attraction Marketing Bootcamp:
Pinning For Profits:…g-for-profits/

Want to know more about attraction marketing and how to use it actually attract your ideal customers to you?
More Resources
How to Increase Your Confidence with Daily Affirmations
5 Words to Help You Start a New Habit
How to Share your beliefs as a Faith Driven Entrepreneur
How to Stay Motivated when Life Gets Tough
Free Printable Wellness Journal
How to Grow Your Business as an Introvert
Can Introverts Be Successful in Network Marketing?