
The 7 TOP Toys for One Year Olds

As we celebrate the incredible milestone of our little ones turning one, we’re often faced with the question – what are the best toys for one-year-olds? With the market flooded with toys of all shapes and sizes, making the right choice can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

This blog post is dedicated to helping you navigate the world of toys and choose the ones that will not only bring joy to your little explorer but also support their developmental milestones. So, whether you’re shopping for your child’s first birthday or looking for the perfect gift, join us as we unveil our top 7 toys for one-year-olds. Let’s dive in and make playtime even more fun and enriching! read more

The 7 BEST Games for Families

Are you running out of ideas to keep your kids busy when you are all at home together? Here are the Best Games for Families.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in our individual routines and forget to carve out precious moments for quality family time. But here’s the thing – those moments? They’re the glue that holds us together, the spark that ignites laughter, and the foundation of cherished memories that last a lifetime.

That’s where family game nights swoop in to save the day! Not only do they provide an opportunity for some good ol’ fashioned fun, but they also offer a myriad of benefits that go beyond just entertainment. Picture this: laughter echoing through the room, high-fives exchanged, and maybe even a friendly dose of healthy competition – all while strengthening communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Yep, that’s the magic of family game nights in action! read more

Foods That Cleanse

In our modern world, our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins from various sources, including processed foods, environmental pollutants, and stress. These toxins can accumulate in our system and have a negative impact on our overall health and well-being. That’s why it’s crucial to support our body’s natural detoxification processes by incorporating foods that cleanse and help eliminate these harmful substances. In this blog post, we will explore 20 of the best foods that cleanse and aid in detoxification. By including these foods in your diet, you can give your body the support it needs to detoxify and thrive. read more

How to Protect Wood Tables

I’m sharing this easy tip you can use to protect you wood tables when they get lots of wear and tear with an active family.

I’m not sure if you have seen, but we have had a very crazy year so far!

My nephew passed away unexpectedly and it really put a lot of things in perspective. We decided that we weren’t going to put off a lot of things we had been throwing around and one of those was moving closer to our family. We worked from home, so we had the ability to move anywhere.

We started by selling almost everything we had in our house in Virginia. We went through everything and if we didn’t love it… we weren’t going to move it. read more

Why you Should Travel with Young Kids

Adam and I love to travel! In our first five years of marriage, we had traveled to New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Rome, San Antonio, Atlanta, New Orleans… we LOVED every minute of it!

travel with kids

(I was actually pregnant when we were in Paris)

So when we became parents… we had to decide should we still travel??? (or could we???) 

We didn’t have a lot of vacation days to work with, and we didn’t have a lot of disposable income either. But it really was something that we wanted to do more of and experience with our girls, it was a question of how we could do that.

The “how” turned out to be starting our own home based business that we could run from anywhere. Our business gave us the financial and time freedom to be able to travel like we always desired. read more

Why it should rain on your Wedding Day

Is it bad luck to rain on your wedding day? I’m not sure I can believe that… it rained on our wedding day and here is what happened.

Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.
Angela of Grassfed Mama shares healthy tips for busy moms.

Adam and I were married young O.o 

I didn’t realllllly realize how young we were at the time lol but I was 19 and he was 21. We had been together for one year when we got engaged and then were married a year later.

and we were in love.

wedding day

I’m sure that there were plenty of people who didn’t think that getting married young was a good idea… but I’m happy to report that we are going to be celebrating our 12 year anniversary in May!!! read more

How to Reach Your Goals

How to Lose in Marriage

how to lose in marriage

How to Lose in Marriage


Losing in marriage isn’t really talked about very often. No one wants to lose the argument or put others first. This is something that I have to make a choice to follow through daily. We are currently going through a series at Journey Christian church  by Andy Stanley called “Staying in Love.” The general premise is that “falling” in love is easy, staying in love is much harder.


Make Love a Verb

Love can be a noun or a verb read more

Whole Food Valentine’s Day Recipe Round Up

Valentine’s Day may be tomorrow, but you still have time to get your plans in order to make the day special for everyone with these whole food Valentine’s Day recipes. Here are some great recipes and ideas from all my wholefood friends across the web. Are you planning a special dinner? Maybe you need some tips for saving money this year? Do you want to bake something special for dessert? You will find everything you need right here for having the best Valentine’s Day yet. =&0=&

Valentine’s Date Ideas

Ah, the day of love is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with some enchanting date night ideas for Valentine’s Day? Whether you’re a long-time couple or just stepping into the realm of romance, make this day memorable by thinking beyond the conventional dinner-and-movie routine.

How about a cozy home-cooked dinner together, complete with your favorite dishes and a touch of candlelight? Or perhaps an evening under the stars with a blanket fort, stargazing, and sharing sweet nothings. For the adventurous souls, a themed at-home movie marathon or a virtual cooking class can add a delightful twist to your evening. And don’t forget the magic of a scenic outdoor walk, hand in hand, appreciating each other’s company. Whatever you choose, make it personal, make it intimate, and most importantly, make it a reflection of your unique love story.

acts of service, 5 love languages, serve your spouse, show your spouse you love them

6 Ways to Save this Valentine’s Day from Grassfed Mama

30 Ways to Serve Your Spouse Today from Grassfed Mama

Whole Food Valentine’s Dinner Ideas

Love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with a nourishing and delightful dinner that speaks to your heart – literally! Forget the clichés; this year, let’s make Valentine’s Day a celebration of health and happiness.

Picture this: a table adorned with vibrant, nutrient-rich dishes that not only please the palate but also contribute to your well-being. From a colorful and crisp salad to a lean protein main course, and perhaps a guilt-free dessert, let’s craft a Valentine’s Day dinner that not only honors your commitment to health but also indulges your taste buds in the most loving way possible. Get ready to savor the joy of a healthy and hearty Valentine’s Day feast with your special someone.

Spaghetti and Meatsauce from Joyful Thrifty Home

Sugar Free Spaghetti Sauce from Rohnda Sue

Whole Food Valentine’s Dessert Recipes

Love is sweet, and so should your Valentine’s Day treats be! This year, let’s celebrate the day of love with an extra dose of goodness by indulging in some healthy and heartwarming treats that are whole food based. From fruity delights to guilt-free chocolatey pleasures, we’ve got the perfect recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising on your commitment to health. Picture digging into a plate of delicious strawberry and dark chocolate skewers or savoring a decadent yet nutritious avocado chocolate mousse. Whether you’re planning a romantic evening for two or a self-love celebration, these healthy Valentine’s Day treats are here to add a dash of love to your day without the sugar overload. Get ready to treat yourself and your loved ones to these delightful, guilt-free bites that are as good for the soul as they are for the taste buds.

trim healthy mama, healthy desserts, healthy valentine's day desserts, sugar free valentine's day treats

7 Trim and Healthy Valentine’s Day Treats from Grassfed Mama

Gluten Free Cake Round Up from Grassfed Mama

Raw Lime Coconut Chocolate Bliss Balls from Keeper of the Kitchen

Sweetheart Brownies from Accidentally Green

Chocolate Covered Bacon from Simple Foodie

Raw Brownie Bites from Simply Smiles

Chocolate Coconut Macaroons (Raw and Real food) from Your Thriving Family

Dessert for Two: Chocolate Lava Cakes from Joyful Thrifty Home

Sugar Free Coconut Cookies read more

30 Ways to Serve Your Spouse Today

acts of service, 5 love languages, serve your spouse, show your spouse you love them

30 Ways to Serve Your Spouse read more